I watched "The Lake House" starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock and knew I had to watch it again. Talk about chemistry, talk about not settling for less, talk about waiting for the right one...ah, the sheer romance of it all. The trick is not to over-analyze the time/space continuum, but to sit back and enjoy the fantasy love story created through correspondence, though the correspondents are living 2 years apart from each other.

Interestingly enough, it had a reference to Jane Austen's book, "Persuasion," of which I saw its movie version. It is a story about waiting for each other. I enjoyed that movie, too.
It was just nice to be lazy for awhile and enjoy a good chick flick. *sigh*
Hi Mary,
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only movie junkie. Like you, who has time for TV (let alone the icky writers' strike), so I also opt for movies (and have for years). I have not seen either of the two that you mentioned, but maybe I will. There are so many great flicks. I luckily have quick access to a great library that has a ton of freebies for loan. We also buy some of our favorites since it can be cheaper than attending the theater (which we seldom do as a family). However, I'm not above going to the movies solo to enjoy some escape time.
When a movie follows a book, I desperately try to read it first. Since my girls are older, I'm lucky to say that I actually have a bit of reading time allowed. In fact everyone craves that kind of time around here (although Autumn still needs a little coaxing).
Like you, I enjoy romances, but more often gravitate to the romance comedies or dramas. Of course, I still enjoy a good adventure/action flick as well. I'm too much of a sissy for horror though!
Well, I need to run. I've already got one out the door to school and it's almost time to rouse the other. Keep me posted if you have any recommendations.
Cheers, Tamra
P.S. Regarding TV, I admit to being a faithful viewer of "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy", but that's about all.
I'm a big Jane Austen fan, so if you haven't seen them yet, try watching "Emma" (Gwyneth Paltrow) or "Pride and Prejudice." I have all 3 versions of "Pride and Prejudice," but my favorite is the A & E version starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I enjoy action movies, too (i.e., "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Matrix" trilogy).
Larry is sweet to watch chick flicks with me, but he can only take so much. Recently we were watching "The Prince and Me" (starring Julia Stiles and Luke Mably). After watching that movie, Larry said that seeing Julia Stiles makes him want to see "The Bourne Ultimatum," which we did watch. So we were both satisfied that we watched a romantic movie followed by an action movie.
I'm with you regarding horror movies. I think the last horror film I saw was "Nightmare on Elm Street" and that was enough for me. I enjoy romantic comedies, too. I am a great fan of Sandra Bullock.
I would love to hear any movie recommendations from you. It's great to hear from you!
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