OK, where was I? Oh yes, birthday. Everyone was at work, so I didn't have any babysitters and Larry was coming home that night after work. It was raining buckets that morning and early afternoon. I decided I still wanted to go out and celebrate by myself, so I got the children and myself ready and we headed off to the larger town of Nacogdoches, about a 45-minute drive from my house.
As we approached the town, the sun started shining through the gray clouds. There was a new shopping center I wanted to check out there, but first, I had to satisfy a growling stomach. We went to this Szechuan restaurant. Since Larry's not a big fan of Chinese food, I thought this was the right time for me to go. It was nearly 3 p.m., it wasn't crowded, and the lunch meals are usually cheaper than the dinner meals. Perfect.
There were a few people in the bar section watching a soap opera, but there was no one in the dining area. Kari and Gary had ample room to walk around and stretch their legs. Kari liked the fried wontons and the coconut drink. Gary enjoyed the wonton soup and fried rice. Their General Tso's Chicken was very good. It was worth coming here again and checking out the other entrees.
I enjoyed celebrating my birthday with my children. I only wished Larry was here, although I don't know what he would order in this Chinese restaurant. He is such a finicky eater.
Thought you might want to know what my fortune cookie message said.

Hmmm...ever had a fortune cookie message that really did come true or was it it so generic that it SEEMED like it came true? Just food for thought. No pun intended...hahahaha.
After checking out a few shops, I wanted to beat the afternoon traffic and make it in time for Larry's arrival. Since Larry didn't have time to cook, he brought home a delicious pizza from a local pizzeria. Lately, we've been checking out pizzerias and rating them. So far we like the one in Longview called Pietro's. Yummy!
Larry presented me with a beautiful amethyst necklace. I was so touched by his thoughtfulness. Amethyst is my birthstone. Last year, Larry didn't have a job, and he felt bad that he couldn't give me anything. Money is still tight with our house-building and switching from a two-income family to one-income, but the Lord has been good to us. So have our families.
Perhaps I've reached an age where I don't really want much...just good health, being surrounded by family and friends and building a better relationship with God (praying more, reading more, exercising the spiritual self) so I can be a good example to those around me, especially to my children.
Larry's mother plans to throw a small luncheon party for me this Sunday after church. It'll be family only, a small intimate affair. Knowing what a great cook she is, I look forward to sampling what's on the menu.
I'll continue this later and let you know how my Valentine's Day went. I need sleep!
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