I used to exclusively breastfeed Gary, but at 6 months, I introduced solid foods (of course, they're pureed) to him in addition to the breast milk. Upon the doctor's orders, I have tried to feed him formula (after eating the solids), but he'll only drink as much as 3 oz. and then he pushes the bottle away. I still nurse Gary at night and I'm waiting for him to go through his growth spurts. I can't tell you how many times I've rolled my eyes at comments like, "Oh, he's so tiny!"
Gary has a healthy appetite, sits up, rolls over, crawls backwards (he can only crawl forward with 2 lunges and then he gives up), pulls himself up and is very alert. Even the doctor says that everything about him is healthy except his growth. Since he weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz. at birth, he should be triple that size when he is a year old. Right now Gary is 10 months old and is only 15 lbs. She wants to see him next month for a weight and height check.
It's not like I'm starving him. I can only put so much in his little mouth until he gags or pushes me away. I would gladly give him some of my weight (hah!). There doesn't appear to be any thyroid problem because his newborn screening turned out fine.
Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I just don't understand. I just want my son to be all right.

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