My parents enjoyed spending time with the grandchildren. We were getting ready to leave for our trip to Philadelphia for my brother's wedding on Oct. 6th. I tried to get as much visitation done with friends as possible.
I met with Melissa and her family on Saturday night. We ate at Tanners Creek Seafood Restaurant on Colley Avenue in Norfolk. Her husband, D

Then on Sunday, I visited my old church in Virginia Beach and met with a bunch of friends there. My friend, Eileen, just had her baby, Riley, who is just adorable. Gary enjoyed his cradle roll class.

Kari enjoyed her 2-year-old class. It's hard to believe that the babies who were in Kari's cradle roll class are growing as fast as she is! I also saw my friend, Stephanie, who is 20 weeks pregnant. I am so happy for her and Andy. They just discovered that they are going to have a girl!
On Monday, I visited with my friend, Teresa, and we ate at Bravo! Cucina Italiana Restaurant in Virginia Beach's Town Center Plaza. We then had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Yum! Then on Tuesday, I visited with Aland and Maria and their son, Cedric. Maria is due to have her second child next month. On Wednesday, I met with James and Anna (with sons Nicolas and baby Jeremiah) at the airport to greet Anna's parents (Mike and Mary Lou) back from their trip to Japan. It was a short, but sweet visit.
On Thursday, we left in a mini-van rental to drive to Philadelphia via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. My sister, Kim, and her husband, Steve joined my parents, me and the children. We were packed like sardines in the mini-van, but we persevered. It helped that we took frequent stops (especially for the children's sake). We stayed at the Hyatt Summerfield Suites in East Norriton, PA. There must have been several dog shows going on because we would encounter several dogs (Great Danes, terriers, etc.) on the elevator. Kari was fascinated by them.
The wedding was beautiful. Lorraine and Alex married in the same church building that Lorraine's parents married. The building had a beautifully painted ceiling and lovely stain glass windows. Definitely had lots of history.
Lorraine looked stunning in her bridal gown and the bridesmaids were beautiful.

Kari was one of the flower girls; she was so pretty in her gown that it made

I was also a part of the cord ceremony, a Filipino wedding tradition.
My brother surprised us at the reception; he had invited the Philippine Folk Arts Society of the Delaware Valley to perform 4 Philippine folk dances. Alex was born in the Philippines and he wanted to share a part of his heritage with all th

We drove back to Virginia on Sunday, Oct. 7th. Alex and Lorraine went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Welcome, Lorraine, to our family!

On Tuesday, I took the kids to a video promo courtesy of Keith's new venture called "The Video Factory" in Virginia Beach where a DVD is professionally made of your children. This should be a big hit with grandparents. I thought the children and I were boring, but the videographer said we did great. I can't wait to see the finished copy.
Then on Wednesday, I had dinner with Aland, Maria, and Aland's parents, Gordon and Jimmie Lou, along with children Cedric and Molly. I couldn't stay long because I had to leave for Texas the next morning. I wish I had more time to see more people, but that was not the case. Perhaps next time!
It was hard saying bye to my parents at the airport. Mom couldn't stop crying. We hope to make it again to Virginia someday. The children did a lot better on this flight to Dallas. We made it to Texas safely and it was so good to see Larry greet us at the DFW airport. I missed him so much! It took us 6 hours to drive home from Dallas. We ate at Cracker Barrel, made a couple of rest area stops and did a little grocery shopping before arriving home. Needless to say, we were tired! Good night for now!

Great blog and a wonderful post Mary. thank you so much for all your help with the wedding. It was good to see everyone and Kari did a marvelous job as flower girl. I'm so glad she liked her necklace.
Love your blog and the photos! Your children are so beautiful, just like their mother.
We really had a great time and feel blessed that we could spend the day with Alex, Lorraine, and your family.
alex: I'm glad to have Lorraine as my sister-in-law. We had a terrific time. You are one heck of a dancer!
january: I'm enjoying your blog. You are a gifted writer and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
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