Larry had spent the majority of the Saturday daylight sealing pipes together (for water, electrical and sewage). Later we did some strolling around the Longview Mall. Larry bought a couple of items and Kari got on one of those kiddie rides inside the mall.
On Sunday we went to church in Gladewater and Kari did not want to be left alone with her toddler Bible class. She was screaming something terrible until Larry took her outside and held her. He told me later that she was actually shaking. After she had calmed down and Larry gently spoke to her, she went back to her class and had a great time learning about Joshua. I had stayed with Gary in his cradle roll class. Every rubber toy that the teacher handed him was treated like a ball. Gary threw everything down. His classmate, Caden, who is also ten months old, just put every toy he was given in his mouth. He was teething. They were so cute!
After church, we drove to Tyler, which was about 45 minutes from Gladewater and checked out some stores and the mall there. Larry developed a slight headache so I drove us back home. We returned to Sunday evening service at the Gladewater church and Kari wanted to bring Winnie-the-Pooh with her because she wanted him to "know Jesus." It was so sweet!
The members there were very friendly and recommended a few local businesses that could help us with our house-building (laminates, countertops, paint, etc.). I was just informed that the neighboring town, Gilmer, was having a Yam-bor-ee. I'm sorry I missed it. I love yams. The town boasted that their yams are so good that even Oprah has special requested them. Well, that's what they tell me.
I drove back to Center with the children on Monday and it was raining. When we came home, there were 2 packages from my parents waiting for us. It was mostly stuff that I couldn't fit in my suitcase when I had visited them last week. I also did some grocery shopping later on to fill up the fridge again.
Today I have the unenviable task of finishing my unpacking, putting away the contents of the packages and washing clothes. My children have been entertaining themselves so far with a tea party. They invited their friends, Winnie-the-Pooh and Baby (haven't found a name for her favorite doll yet) to join them. The kitchen table is filled with items that need to be sorted, so Kari improvised on the table for her tea party.
The weather is getting cooler here. Time to give the children some lunch so I'll check back later!

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